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 Acts 433 Church was founded on the verse from Acts 4:33. "With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all."  We envisioned creating a gathering of believers who were intend on receiving God's grace imparted through the Word so that Body of Christ might be built up into maturity and experience God's grace powerfully at work in their lives.

Revealing Jesus


Rest in Relationship with Him


Realize the Freedom He Has Given


Respond in Victory

as we

Reaffirm the Gospel to the World

Acts 433 founded.png

What does our mission mean?

  • Revealing Jesus:

We are a church who helps people understand who they are in Christ. We focus on all that Jesus has made available to us.  As we lead others to have a revelation that we are the righteousness of Jesus Christ; holy, beloved, saints and children of God, our behavior will follow as we live in the reality of who Christ has made us to be.

  • Rest in Relationship with Him:

At Acts 433 Church members rest in who they are in Christ (permanent) they have nothing to prove (earn acceptance) which means they have nothing to lose (salvation in Christ alone is theirs). We are productive and effective on the outside because we have God’s peace and rest on the inside as we sit at the feet of our Savior recognizing Jesus as our source. Jesus' finished work at the cross is what gives us our victory standing and favor with God forever.

  • Realize the Freedom He Has Given:

We have been freed from the power of sin that leads to death. We can now walk in the Spirit in the newness of life we have in Jesus. Fear is replaced with God’s perfect love for us and freedom is ours to take giant steps of faith forward into our God-given mission and calling supported by an amazing community of believers.

The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness and brings to our minds the promises of God we have because of our union life with Jesus so that we can trust God in all things.

  • Respond in Victory:

Receiving the love of our Heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus Christ, enables us to abound in love toward one another. Love in action is grace on display, working itself out in unbelievable ways throughout the body of Christ. In a world full of individual kingdoms which compete and divide, we choose to unite around Jesus and witness as He builds His church.

Excellence in ministry (having the mind and Spirit of Christ) honors God and inspires people as we express the life of Christ. The moment you receive Jesus as your Savior, you are born from above and the new you is more than a conqueror. You have been given victory in Jesus' name and the ability to excel in the work of the Lord.

  • Reaffirm the Gospel to the World:

We value equipping our members to receive God's grace so they go out in great power to testify of Jesus throughout the world. God loved the world so much that He would send His Son to die in order to redeem a lost sinful world. As the Body of Christ we have been given the ministry of reconciliation, to go forth into the world on a rescue mission with the love of Jesus, proclaiming favor with God for all who place their faith/trust in Christ.

We immerse ourselves in Jesus so that we might impart grace throughout the world. The Gospel Message is 100% good news not based on our behavior but based on the finished work of our Savior. The Gospel message is truly for all people!


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